Newsletter May 2021

New member of staff - Tina Boyce

We would like to introduce our newest member of Pre-school staff, Tina Boyce, affectionately known as Miss T by the children.  Tina will be working every day at Pre-school and will join Mrs Benning and Red Group.

Welcome to the Teatimers family, Tina!

Teatimers babies

Since our last newsletter, two of our members of staff have had babies!

Congratulations to Becky, Ryan and big brother Chase on the arrival of Teal at the end of February.

Congratulations also go to Louise and Tony. Baby Tyrone was born at the end of April, a little brother for Cali.

We send lots of love to both families.

Dates for your Diary


Half Term 31st May – 7th June
Pre-school starts Tues 8th June
Pre-school leavers’ photos Wed 9th June
Pre-school Trip Wed 30th June
Sports Day Tues 13th July (am)
Leavers’ service Tues 20th July (pm)
End of Summer Term Wed 21st July 12.00pm


Pre-school Leavers' photographs

On Wednesday 9th June, Kate McNeil will be coming into pre-school to take group photographs of our 2021 Leavers.

It would be lovely if all our Leavers could be in the photos, so if your child is not normally in on a Wednesday morning please will you bring them in for 9.00 am on this day.  You will need to stay with your child but we will endeavor to take their photographs first.


Pre-school Trip - Wednesday 30th June

We are so pleased to be able to go on a school trip this year, and we are heading to Cotswold Wildlife Park for the day.

All pre-school children are invited to come on the trip.  The coach will leave just after 9.00 am and will return by 3.00 pm.

We will need a number of parent helpers on the day to make the trip possible.  If you can help please speak to Clair Farrell and complete your details on the reply form.

The trip costs £20 per child.  If you choose to send your child, the cost will be added to your next Pre-school bill. A ride on the Wildlife park train and an ice cream are included!

On the day, you will need to send your child with a packed lunch (in a disposable bag), water bottle and spare clothes in a rucksack they can carry.

Please click on the link below to complete the reply form.

Summer Term events

We are hoping to be able to hold a Sports Day and a 2021 Leavers’ Service this year.  These events are all dependant on the Covid safe guidelines that we have to follow, so at the moment all we have done is set the dates.  More details will follow when we know what format each event will take.

Non-funded sessions in the Summer Term

Please be aware that the last three days of this term, 19th – 21st July, are not covered by Government funding.

Our Pre-school is open for 39 weeks a year, keeping the same term dates as both Sandygate and Holy Trinity schools, however, funding is paid for only 38 weeks.  This year the unfunded week was split between the first two days in the September term and the last three days in July.

All sessions will be charged at our standard rate on these days.

Sun hats & suncream

Hopefully, we will soon be seeing a lot more of the sun and a bit less of the rain clouds that we have had recently.  Please will you make sure your child has a named sun hat with them every day and that suncream is applied before they come into Pre-school. Please use an all-day one that doesn’t need re-applying by us later in the day.

COVID reporting

If, over the half-term break, your child tests positive for Coronavirus or is a close contact of someone who has tested positive and has to isolate, please remember to let us know by emailing us at .

Leavers' school information

If your child is leaving us to go to school in September please will you let us know which school they will be attending and give us permission to share your child’s records with them. This can be done by clicking on the link below.

Bucks school transition day is on Tuesday 6th July and your child’s new school will provide more details of this.

Lunch boxes

We like to promote healthy eating at Teatimers and ask that you provide a balanced lunch for your child.  Please try to keep chocolate items to a minimum and only have water in their drinks bottles.

We would also recommend you put an ice pack in their lunch box now that the weather is warming up.